Update yourself- How is Covid -19 effecting IELTS?
Update yourself- How is Covid -19 effecting IELTS?
The pandemic of corona virus have affected a lot of out day to day lives and those who were eagerly waiting to apply for their IELTS test and exams preparation. Here we have gathered few of the information to upgrade you with the current situation and how you can plan for your exams in coming months. We have tried and answered few of the commonly asked questions related to IELTS.

Q 1) How has COVID-19 affected the IELTS exams?
The British Council all over the world is working with local authorities to determine whether to keep testing centers open. In the most impacted areas, paper-based and computer-delivered IELTS exam dates are postponed until May, although this could change depending on how the situation unfolds. Thus, many IELTS students who were expecting to take their exam this month are now looking at a later test date. Check with your local testing center to determine the status of your IELTS exam date.
Q 2) What precautions are taken at IELTS test centers?
All precautionary measures are taken care of through the course of exams at the test centers. All the staff, examiners and students are asked to wear mask and use of sanitizers are allocated. However the students can be asked to remove the mask for identity purpose and checking.
Q 3) what to do if my IELTS exams were postponed?
If your exam is postponed and you have received a written confirmation from the British Council make sure to first check with your local testing center, the second step can be to log on to the official webpage of British Council and confirm your suspension test dates. Do not panic and make sure you keep checking the reviews and news from the British Council with regards to further changes in exam dates affecting your testing center. You can book your seats back when they allow scheduling it.
Q 4) What to do if I am having a hard time studying for the IELTS because you are feeling stressed or distracted?
Firstly, understand that you are not alone in this situation and that things will be normal in coming future. It’s ok if you are feeling anxious, distressed, disappointed, distracted now. Be kind to yourself about this, and take some time off of studying if you need to.
The positive side is you have enough time to set your time table and make plans to study which you were not getting enough during your busy life schedules. Check out of latest post and blogs on the study materials and practice the sessions. Take down some online classes for studying the tips and tricks of improving your scores.
Apart from that have some time to relieve stress by exercise, meditation, yoga. It would be especially helpful right before your IELTS exam!
Q 5) How can Admire Education Inc. help students?
We also want you to know that our Student Help Team is here not only to help with your IELTS questions, but also with test anxiety and other concerns. Feel free to reach out through the following:
Admire Education Inc
Email ID: admireeducationcanada@gmail.com
We’re following the situation closely and we’ll keep doing our very best to respond to what’s going on and help support IELTS students.
We know this is tough, and we’re here for you.