Upgrade your vocabulary!
Sentence: Imply: "When a person has a bad day, that does not imply that they are always sad". Comply: "We are unable to comply with your...

What are transition Signals?
The transition signals are the ... ·       Words/phrases used in spoken/written communication. ·       Help the reader understand the...

Students score average of 6 Bands in IELTS, why?
IELTS exams are most popular around the world and as a matter of fact, thousands of Students each year take this test in order to get...

Update yourself- How is Covid -19 effecting IELTS?
Update yourself- How is Covid -19 effecting IELTS? The pandemic of corona virus have affected a lot of out day to day lives and those who...

Listening test advice
Follow this Listening test advice, and make sure you understand how to respond to 'completion' type questions. You will be given time to...

5 useful words for excellent essay
It is very important to use right language in essays to present your views in an outstanding way. Below is a list of words that will help...
Which part of the speaking is more important?
It is very important to remember that the examiner will mark you on all the three part of speaking test. Important Things to Remember...
5 useful words for excellent essay
5 useful words for excellent IELTS essay It is very important to use right language in essays to present your views in an outstanding...

There many people who find difficulty PRONOUNCING words correctly. The IELTS test takers must not forget that its one of the four...
It is better to develop Global Perspective in your essay. In simple words search more; go beyond your books. It is very important to...